
What's on our radar.

Civic skunkworks and Moneyballing New York City

New York City's Michael Flowers gives an overview of how the city leverages data analytics to solve problems and better serve citizens.

'We see this digital space of empowering our citizens as the next generation of city government.'

Great “Connected Empowerment” video featuring San Francisco Chief Innovation Officer Jay Nath and civic action platform, Neighborland.

Civic apps competition? There's a book for that.

There’s been a great deal of discussion around the value of civic apps contests, and now there’s a book for that.

Data Challenge Spotlight: WhyGDP?

We're told American success equals economic growth. The data tell a different story: GDP doesn't predict better lives, but civic measures do.

Rebooting .gov

Three years ago in my first blog post here on GovFresh, I recommended the U.S. government centralize its web operations, something I believe applies to government at every level.