
What's on our radar.

Edmonton launches open data site

According to Edmonton Chief Information Officer Chris Moore, the city has launched its official open data site at

Gov 2.0 Radio: John Tolva on his new role as Chicago CTO

Gov 2.0 Radio interviews Chicago's new Chief Technology Officer John Tolva.

Creating a citizen movement for open government

How do you get techies, govies, and citizens to identify, collaborate, and start creating solutions for your local government? Host a CityCamp.

The other Vivek is wrong about open government

Whether it was written out of naivete or for the intent of sensationalism, the other Vivek, Vivek Wadhwa, misses the mark in his Washington Post piece The death of open government.

New mobile app Commons gets creative with 311

TechPresident’s Becky Kazansky has a great overview of Commons, a new 311 iPhone app that makes use of gaming and social features to better engage citizens.

Closing out SFOpen 2011

A wrap-up of SFOpen 2011, the San Francisco mayoral forum on open government, civic technology and public innovation.