
What's on our radar.

How Joomla is powering government

We've heard a lot about Drupal and WordPress in government, but not much about the open source platform Joomla. We asked Joomla External Communications Lead Sandra Ordonez to share how government is using it, its key features, how it compares to Drupal and WordPress and what governments are using it.

How government can empower citizens in the redistricting process

In January 2011, Michael McDonald and Micah Altman founded the Public Mapping Project and began building the open source platform DistrictBuilder to give citizens more of a say in the redistricting process.

Trust the vote: How open source will change our elections

After watching the documentary Hacking Democracy, I started researching how government uses voting technology to conduct elections. That's how I learned about the work of Open Source Digital Voting Foundation.

Oakland launches 311 app powered by SeeClickFix

Oakland, Ca. is the latest major U.S. city to launch a 311 application that allows citizens to report issues directly to government from their smartphones.

Motivating developers to attend and make meaningful contributions at civic hackathons

Mark Headd has an interesting thought on how to encourage better participation at civic hackathons, suggesting perhaps a registration fee would encourage more reliable participation.