
What's on our radar.

Dilbert: We need a 'user interface branch of the government'

Dilbert creator Scott Adams has a great editorial in The Wall Street Journal where he provides serious commentary on government and how civic-focused design would help modernize and better meet citizen expectations.

13 ways citizen developers are coding a better America

Code for America has published videos of CfA Fellows demoing their apps during the Code for America Summit held October 13-14 in San Francisco.

Citizen 2.0 white paper highlights 17 examples of government social media innovation

Switzerland-based RedCut has released Citizen 2.0, a white paper of case studies that include 17 examples of social media and government innovation. We asked CEO Hadi Barkat to share his methodology and what he learned.

The opportunity for civic startups

Excellent Civic Startups presentation from Civic Commons Managing Director Nick Grossman.

How civic entrepreneurs and developers can share your work with GovFresh readers

I regularly get emails from start-ups, entrepreneurs and developers who ask to get their products featured on GovFresh.

MC Hammer: 'These tools create a level of transparency that sometimes can be uncomfortable'

O’Reilly Media’s Alex Howard interviewed musician and tech entrepreneur MC Hammer at the 2011 Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco where, towards the end, Hammer talks about the impact social media, mobile and crowdsourcing have on government.