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How civic entrepreneurs and developers can share your work with GovFresh readers

I regularly get emails from start-ups, entrepreneurs and developers who ask to get their products featured on GovFresh.

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By GovFresh · October 28, 2011

I regularly get emails from start-ups, entrepreneurs and developers asking us to feature new products or apps on GovFresh. I’m always happy to support new ventures but, because of resource constraints, am sometimes unable to respond in a timely manner, if at all.

To resolve this, here’s a standardized questionnaire for those of you building new, civic-focused products or services aimed at helping change the way government works. Email your answers to press at govfresh dot com, and we’ll follow up with additional questions if appropriate.

NOTE: Please refrain from using cliche sales and marketing pitches.)


  • Give us the 140-character elevator pitch. (Ex: [your product] ...)
  • What problem(s) do(es) [your product] solve for government?
  • What’s the story behind starting [your product]? (When did it launch? Who are the founders? How did you come up with the idea? Etc.)
  • What are its key features?
  • What are the costs, pricing plans? (if applies)
  • How can those interested connect with you (Website, Twitter, Facebook, email, etc.)?
  • (Additional links to video overviews, screencasts or product images are also also helpful.)

Thank you.


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