Civic hacking

Civic hacking on GovFresh.


Circular laurel wreath design, colored in white, against a black background.

Open civic organizations

A deep dive on open civic organizations.


Code fork icon

Fork in the code

Repository bureaucracy and how the general public can help preserve government technology assets.

Window icon

Analyzing U.S. federal and state government website metadata

How government-managed domains conform to basic metadata practices.

Code icon

Civic hacking

The soul and grassroots foundation of democracy.

Laurel Wreath

Open civic organizations

How government agencies, academia, nonprofit organizations and public sector vendors can build open, participatory models of operating.


Scroll icon

Declaration for the Future of the Internet

GovFresh research notes on the Declaration for the Future of the Internet.

Road icon

Public AI

GovFresh research notes on public artificial intelligence.

Code icon

Open source

GovFresh research notes on open source software.

Flask icon

Open innovation

GovFresh research notes on open innovation.

Open door icon

Open government

GovFresh research notes on open government.

Database icon

Open data

GovFresh research notes on open data.


The Cuckoo's Egg

Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer Espionage

Cover of A Hacker's Mind

A Hacker's Mind

How the Powerful Bend Society’s Rules, and How to Bend them Back

Cult of the Dead Cow

How the Original Hacking Supergroup Might Just Save the World


U.S. Digital Response logo

U.S. Digital Response

Supporting the Critical Needs of the Public

Code for America logo

Code for America

Designing Human-Centered Applications


Code for America Summit logo

Code for America Summit

Designing for change, delivering for the future


U.S. flag



ScanGov logo


Government digital experience monitor

Icon of government building inside of a circle


A WordPress theme for government.

Civic Hacking Agency logo

Civic Hacking Agency

A father-son civic hacking project.