
What's on our radar.

For GovHub, all politics is personal

When no one in Nick Gaines' UC Berkeley freshman political science class could answer the question “Who is your state senator?," he tuned in, dropped out and started GovHub with co-founder Adam Becker.

Hacking taxis and 'making life in SF a little better'

Last February, officials from San Francisco collaborated with the California College of the Arts and Mix & Stir Studio for the SF Taxi & Mass Communication Challenge, a 24-hour hackathon focused on “design-driven technology solutions to real world problems.”

Pahlka: 'Government really is the way we do things collectively that we can't do individually'

Great TEDxPhilly talk by Code for America Founder and Executive Director Jen Pahlka. Really inspiring to see Jen articulate what’s happening around city and local government beyond the tech talk people like me are so in the weeds on.

How the UK is raising the open government bar and setting a new standard

I’ve been collecting links (below) from the UK’s Government Digital Service blog for a while wondering when they’ll stop executing their great “beta” work on GOV.UK, but they continue to outdo themselves.

'Let's start delivering information to the right person at the right time - that's the value of open gov'

Dan Morgan‘s comments on my “How do you measure the value of Gov 2.0?” post offer an insightful perspective I feel they warrant a post of their own.

How do you measure the value of Gov 2.0?

Creating sustainable, meaningful civic contributions to government is something I’ve addressed before, and it’s something that continues to elude us in the form of civic applications and hackathons, despite the overwhelming attention given to each.