
What's on our radar.

GitHub and the C-suite social

Much like we pooh-poohed Twitter in those early days, GitHub, in its early crawl, is today dismissed simply as a tool for the diehard developer. However, as with any tool with great potential, innovators find new ways to leverage emerging technology to communicate, and government chief information and technology officers can effectively do this with GitHub.

Civic hackers: The White House wants you

The White House is now accepting applications for the 2014 Presidential Innovation Fellows program.

SF names Joy Bonaguro as city's first chief data officer

In a Twitter exchange between San Francisco Chief Information Officer Marc Touitou and myself, Touitou confirmed that the city has appointed Joy Bonaguro as its first chief data officer.

Government's role in fostering sustainable civic technology

In a new blog post, Philadelphia Chief Data Officer Mark Headd shares his thoughts on what it will take to make civic technology sustainable, including government insisting on open source software solutions.