What's on our radar.
What's on our radar.
The DotGov Program, which administers .gov top-level domain assignments to official U.S. government entities, now offers the service for free.
GitHub has a great write-up of how open source community contributions played a key role in helping NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter achieve lift-off on Mars.
President Biden has nominated digital government innovator Robin Carnahan as the next administrator of General Services Administration.
Apparently, in 2021, there are people who still refuse to recognize the holistic, energetic and sustainable impact 18F and the U.S. Digital Services has -- and continues to have -- on keeping the federal government digital services industry and profession relevant and attractive to highly-qualified designers, developers, product and project managers and anyone generally interested in well-functioning U.S. Government technology.
What's great about about the public roadmap, particularly for large government institutions, is that they show there is a plan, but they are also a powerful demonstration of civic openness.