
What's on our radar.

Honolulu launches 311 app

Honolulu launched a new 311 application, Honolulu 311, now available on iPhone, Android, Windows Mobile and Blackberry. The service was developed by CitySourced.

San Francisco posts Open311 RFP

San Francisco has published a request for proposal to integrate Open311 with the city's CRM software, Langan. Bid submissions are due February 3.

How San Francisco can get its gov 2.0 groove back

There’s been a great deal of discussion lately around the topic of government innovation, especially here in San Francisco, with the appointment of a new chief innovation officer, a new “civic accelerator,” a new venture with a consortium of Bay Area technology companies and a new technology and innovation task force led by SF Mayor Ed Lee.

'Hacking Democracy' and open source voting

Hacking Democracy, released in 2007, documents the improprieties and lack of security around proprietary voting software vendor Diebold Elections Systems.

PTI makes 2012 local government IT predictions

The Public Technology Institute released its list of “What’s Out and What’s In?” technology predictions for 2012 based on interviews with local government IT executives and vendors who service city and county governments.

LA beta tests first website redesign in 14 years that looks just like the one done 14 years ago

Government Technology reports that Los Angeles is beta testing a new website, the first major redesign in 14 years, but a cursory review of the homepage leaves me wondering why the city spent $100,000 on a usability expert to get essentially the same site it’s had since 1998.