
What's on our radar.

U.S. Energy Department seeks chief data officer

The U.S. Department of Energy is looking for a chief data officer.

Got natural disasters? There's an open source emergency preparedness toolkit for that

If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area and woke up at to a 6.1 earthquake at 3:30 a.m. this morning, now would be a good time for citizens and local governments everywhere to take a look at City72 Toolkit.

Join us at the 2014 Code for America Summit

The 2014 Code for America Summit is set for September 23-24 and registration is now open.

Models for API driven startups built around public data

I had a conversation with a venture capitalist recently who was looking for information on startups who had APIs and had built their company around public data.

Feds didn't say agile development contributed to failure

A recent VentureBeat headline misleadingly suggests agile development practices were the cause of's "failure."