
What's on our radar.

Open government hackathons matter

The civic hackathon - a gathering (either virtual or physical) of technologists for a few days or weeks to build civic-themed software - remains one of the more durable manifestations of the open government movement.

On this day one year ago, Alex Howard published his first GovFresh post

On this day one year ago, Alex Howard published his first GovFresh post. Since then, he has written a total of 302 on his OpenGovFresh blog.

FutureGov founder Dominic Campbell on 'Networking Government'

Excellent TEDxLondonBusinessSchool talk on open government by FutureGov founder Dominic Campbell.

Gov 2.0 Radio: Web Manager Kristy Fifelski

Kristy Fifelski of and joins us on Gov 2.0 Radio to discuss Reno's planned inaugural civic hackathon, her GovGirl video series, the upcoming National Association of Government Webmasters conference and the new

Time for government to plug into one platform?

In a new blog post, Gartner's Andrea Di Maio asks if it's time to pull the plug on government Websites?

Second Summer of Smart hackathon tackles buildings, transportation and sustainability

Building data. It’s a small thing, but what if the buildings where we live, work and play were able to show us how they work?