
What's on our radar.

Does government innovation need its own department?

In an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle, SF city attorney and mayoral candidate Dennis Herrera said, if elected, he would create an innovation department and appoint a Chief Digital Officer to lead the city's web and social media strategy that embraces open engagement with citizens.

OpenDataRace Begins in Philadelphia

Several months ago, with the unveiling of the OpenDataPhilly website, the City of Philadelphia joined the growing fraternity of cities across the country and around the world to release municipal data sets in open, developer friendly formats.

Government sharing is government caring

Just discovered this MESH Government to the Rescue TEDxGotham talk by former New York State Senate Chief Information Officer Andrew Hoppin. has Drupal on its mind

The next iteration of will be built using the open source platform Drupal.

Beautiful budgets? Look at Cook

Developed and designed by Derek Eder and Nick Rougeux, open data and visualization project Look at Cook was created in collaboration with Cook County (IL) Commissioner John Fritchey to bring aesthetics to the county’s budget and expenses.

Who determines government's 'Best of the Web?'

Government Technology announced its list of 2011 Best of the Web Award Winners today, and I’m completely confused as to how they came to these conclusions.