
What's on our radar.

Two SF civic innovation programs now accepting fellowship applications

The San Francisco Mayor’s Office of Civic Innovation and Fuse Corps are now accepting fellowship applications for a total of five fellowship opportunities.

New GovFresh logo

Just an update that we've made slight modifications to the GovFresh logo.

With Screendoor, DOBT makes simple web forms key to better government

After Adam Becker and Clay Johnson completed their stints as White House Presidential Innovation Fellows working together on Project RFP-EZ, they were inspired to scale IT simplicity so that governments everywhere would no longer have to deal with traditional mediocre software solutions most legacy vendors provide.

San Diego seeks chief data officer

If you like open data and great weather, the city of San Diego is looking for a performance and analytics chief data officer.

Seven reasons why you should apply for this federal government innovation fellowship

If you’re interested in working for the federal government with an agency that doesn’t have the institutional legacy of entrenched bureaucracy and truly gets design and open source innovation, and has a direct impact on American consumers, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has just the opportunity for you.

Oakland vendor API requirement a big step for municipal open government

To get an idea of how badly Oakland needs to upgrade its digital infrastructure, you just need to read this one line from Tuesday's city council staff report.