
What's on our radar.

Data Challenge Spotlight: Visualizing Health Reform

Visualizing Health Reform is the go-to source for factual, easy-to-understand information on health care reform in Illinois.

Where are the women in e-government, tech policy and politics?

The question has again been asked, where are the women leaders and innovators in e-government, digital diplomacy, online politics, tech policy and related?

City participatory budgeting takes its first steps

This past September Vallejo, Ca., began the United States' first citywide venture in participatory budgeting, allowing residents to directly decide how $3.4 million dollars of public money would be spent.

Revelstone brings 'Moneyball' to government

Revelstone provides a web-based performance analytics and benchmarking platform to help local governments manage better.

Improve San Francisco from inside City Hall

Recognizing that good ideas are found outside City Hall, San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee is giving you an opportunity to join him and his team of innovators inside City Hall.