Data Challenge Spotlight: Visualizing Health Reform
Visualizing Health Reform is the go-to source for factual, easy-to-understand information on health care reform in Illinois.
By: GovFresh
Posted: November 15, 2012
Estimated read time: 2 minutes
“Data Challenge Spotlight” is a collaboration with the National Conference on Citizenship and GovFresh that highlights winners of the 2012 Civic Data Challenge. Follow the Civic Data Challenge on Twitter (@CivicData) and on Facebook.
Visualizing Health Reform from Illinois Health Matters
Give us the 140-character elevator pitch.
We are the go-to source for factual, easy-to-understand information on health care reform in Illinois.
What problem does Visualizing Health Reform solve for government and/or your community?
While a handful of reputable sites and media outlets examine health policy on a national/state level, very few do it on a community level. Our mapping tool takes complex public policy and translates it to real people.
What’s the story or inspiration behind creating Visualizing Health Reform?
The Affordable Care Act (ACA), passed in 2010, is complex. We wanted to make it easy to see the ways in which Illinois residents will be impacted by the new health reform law so that businesses, health care providers and community groups can prepare.
What are its key features?
An interactive heat map of Illinois provides information on who is uninsured, where they live, and the impact of health reform on their ability to attain health care coverage in 2014. Data can be examined on three levels—state, regions and community. The tool is versatile – it can also be viewed “on the go” on a smartphone or tablet and PDF versions of the maps can be downloaded.
How can those interested connect with you?
Connect with Illinois Health Matters on our website at, Twitter (@ILHealthMatters), Facebook ( or email for specific data and customized reports on health care reform.