
What's on our radar.

SF Mayor Ed Lee at 2011 Web 2.0 Summit (VIDEO)

O’Reilly Media’s Alex Howard interviewed San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee this week at the Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco. Lee discusses open source, open data, apps, mobile and bridging the digital divide.

Bring the IT Dashboard to San Francisco

San Francisco has led the nation with Gov 2.0 innovations, like Twitter311 – connecting the City’s 311 Call Center to Twitter — allowing residents to contact the City about potholes, graffiti and interact with government in real time with a tweet, – the City’s one stop shop for government data that has empowered developers to create incredible apps that bring city data to life, and Open311 the first national API in government.

Government IT leaders should blog more

When I talk to city and local government technology leaders about their challenges and lessons learned, I'm often surprised they don't openly and regularly share their experiences with the civic technology community or, in general, the citizens they serve.

GovFreshTV: Q&A with Chicago CTO John Tolva

During last week's Code for America 2011 Summit, I sat down with Chicago Chief Technology Officer John Tolva and asked him about his current IT initiatives, challenges and lessons learned.

Code for America: 'In our own words' (VIDEO)

Excellent Code for America video featuring the 2011 fellows discussing their work and CfA mission.

YouTown launches Android app

Civic mobile app YouTown is now available in the Android Market.