
What's on our radar.

Second Summer of Smart hackathon tackles buildings, transportation and sustainability

Building data. It’s a small thing, but what if the buildings where we live, work and play were able to show us how they work?

The Road ahead for Open Baltimore

A couple of months ago, I wrote about the state of the open data program in the city of Baltimore.

AchieveCity to offer municipalities free, open source government platforms

Firmstep has launched a new service called AchieveCity, a Web-based government platform powered by the Drupal distribution OpenPublic (developed by Phase2 Technology) and hosted in the Amazon EC2 environment.

USDOT in the social media slow lane

The U.S. Department of Transportation is officially nowhere to be found in social media circles, but DOT Secretary Ray LaHood is everywhere, including Facebook, Twitter and Flickr.

Here comes the Neighborland

Neighborland is a new ideation crowdsourcing startup that gives citizens a "fun and easy way for residents to suggest new businesses and services that they want in their neighborhood."

Why the next SF mayor needs to understand open government

In August of 1993, San Francisco officially adopted the Sunshine Ordinance, a law that allowed any citizen to request city documents, records, filings or correspondence, attend meetings of any group that meets with the Mayor or city department heads and make any meeting of the governing bodies of certain local, state, regional and federal agencies attended by City representatives public.