
What's on our radar.

Talk to the hand: New Covington logo breaks government convention

I'm a huge fan of government re-branding to modernize away from the antiquated look of the traditional seal, mostly because I believe it can play a huge role in citizen sentiment and how employees see themselves and their roles as public servants.

GSA takes a big step towards baking agile into federal procurement

The U.S. General Services Administration is working to make it easier for agencies to procure agile development services via a government-wide blanket purchase agreement, which could be finalized as early as the end of this year.

GAO: State, local governments should cut expenditures by 18 percent

The U.S. Government Accountability Office released its 2014 state and local fiscal outlook model that indicates state and local government need to cut current expenditures by 18 percent to achieve fiscal balance over the next 50 years.

Philadelphia launches alpha city website

The new site, located at, is powered by WordPress with a custom theme that hopefully the city will open source at some point in the future.

City icons and Vocativ's livability index

Vocativ published its 2014 Livability Index of the 35 best cities for people 35 and under, and the best part of it is the montage of city icons they created for the piece.