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SFOpen 2011: Dennis Herrera


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By GovFresh · June 8, 2011

As part of SFOpen 2011, we’re featuring the San Francisco mayoral candidates and their thoughts and ideas on open government and Government 2.0. We’re interviewing each of them and have asked them to commit to the Open Government Pledge for San Francisco.

Meet Dennis Herrera.

Committed to the Open Government Pledge for San Francisco?


Open government statement

"Open Government – transparency, participation and collaboration – is essential to San Francisco’s success as a modern city. Transparency ensures honesty and trust in our system of governance; participation recognizes the essential nature of our democracy and incredible creative input of our residents; and collaboration means effective governance – sharing resources, ideas and best practices with federal, state and other local agencies and the private sector to ensure San Francisco is a city that works."

GovFreshTV interview

Connect with Herrera


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