
What's on our radar.

How you can get involved in the 2015 National Day of Civic Hacking

The 2015 National Day of Civic Hacking will be held on June 6. To date, more than 70 events around the world have been scheduled. The global hackathon, targeted to “urbanists, government staff, developers, designers, and activists,” is organized by Code for America and Second Muse.

Register: 'Agile Government and the State of Maine'

Agile Government Leadership will host its next AGL Live, “Agile Government and the State of Maine,” featuring Maine Director of Business Process Management Douglas Averill.

Government-focused DevOpsDays ​DC set for June 11-12

According to organizers, the event is for “executives, program managers, and engineers considering or actively implementing DevOps at their organization.”

Accela acquires mobile 311 platform PublicStuff

The service allows citizens to report non-emergency requests, such as potholes and graffiti, via their mobile devices, which are then serviced through a back-end, enterprise customer relationship management system.

Re-thinking 911

911 wasn’t an original idea – like our democracy, it drew inspiration from other countries that had already implemented a single emergency number in the 20th century (Britain’s 999 in 1937 and New Zealand’s 111 in 1958).
