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Scaling the open data ecosystem

Open Knowledge Foundation co-founder Rufus Pollock discusses his ideas on scaling an open data ecosystem.

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By GovFresh · December 2, 2011

Open Knowledge Foundation co-founder Rufus Pollock discusses his ideas on scaling an open data ecosystem.


In developing this open data ecosystem there are three key things are needed: material, tools and people. This is a key point: open information without tools and communities to utilise it is not enough, after all, openness isn’t an end itself – open material has no value if it isn’t used. We need therefore to have widely available the capabilities for utilising open material, for processing, analysing and sharing it, especially on a large scale. Relevant tools need to be freely and openly available and the related infrastructure — after all tools need somewhere to run, and data needs somewhere to be stored — should be capable of effective deployment by distributed communities.


[vimeo 31248465 w=550 h=413]


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