What's on our radar.
What's on our radar.
I’ve spent the last eight years building and selling products to governments. At the risk of oversimplifying what works in govtech, I think success comes from three factors.
With the advent of artificial intelligence, augmented reality, smart sensors and the Internet of Things, the digital and physical worlds have become more integrated than ever.
Civic hacker icon Mark Headd has written a book to help government officials best engage with community technologists.
By the end of the class our sponsors inside State had experienced a practical example of a new and powerful methodology which could help them better understand and deal with complicated international problems and apply technology where appropriate.
Danielle Winterhalter, SpeakEasy co-founder and director of strategic partnerships, shares how they're addressing a fundamental aspect of lowering the barrier to entry, especially when it comes to political (snail) mail, which is still more relevant than you might think.
The U.S. Government Accountability Office released a status report on federal government technology reform progress, and it's an insightful read more than anything on the the lack of synchronization between agencies and GAO.