
What's on our radar.

Get 10% off Code for America Summit registration with GovFresh discount code

This year's Code for America Summit is September 30 to October 2 in Oakland, California, and friends of GovFresh get a 10 percent discount.

How can we make GovFresh better?

I've created a GitHub repo to maintain feedback, comments and ideas anyone has related to GovFresh.

Federal CIO Council releases open data prioritization toolkit

The federal CIO Council’s Innovation Committee has published an open data prioritization workbook and toolkit, including a data inventory tracker and prioritization matrix, to help agencies best evaluate and prioritize data for release to the public.

Submit your question suggestions for 'State of Agile Government' survey

Agile Government Leadership is developing a "State of Agile Government" survey and is looking for feedback on best questions to ask.

Tennessee's new logo

There is a lot of shortsighted chatter around the state of Tennessee's new branding efforts and, while I don't have a strong opinion on the logo aesthetics, which has received criticism for its $46,000 price tag, it's important to commend the holistic approach to uniformity and why this will benefit residents (and taxpayers) in the future.

San Francisco publishes year two plan, continues to lead on open data

San Francisco’s DataSF team continues to quietly and effectively demonstrate what an efficient, holistic and personable approach to open data looks like with the announcement of its year two plan and retrospective of the past year.