Y Combinator issues request for government-focused startups

Y Combinator posted a list of sectors it's interested in hearing pitches from in a "request for startups" that includes government-focused ventures.

By: GovFresh

Posted: September 12, 2014

Estimated read time: 1 minutes


[caption id=”attachment_18280” align=”alignnone” width=”1024”] Y Combinator (Photo: Paul Miller[/caption]

Leading Silicon Valley accelerator Y Combinator posted a list of sectors it’s interested in hearing pitches from in a “request for startups” that includes government-focused technology ventures.

“Very few startups write software for government,” the post states. “But the government is a very large customer with very bad software. In addition to better software for existing processes, we’re also interested in how the Internet can enable new categories, like crowdfunding for social services.”

Granted, it’s a pretty comprehensive list of sectors, but still good to see government in the mix, especially given the perception that Silicon Valley is aloof when it comes to building technology targeted specifically to the public sector.

“Our hope is that someone already working on a company in one of these areas will consider applying to YC,” says Y Combinator.

Application deadline for the Winter 2015 funding cycle is October 18.

Get your pitch decks ready and apply here.

HT David Bray

