By GovFresh · April 2, 2019
Two years ago, I had an idea for a podcast that focused on the whole of government, and how big thinkers are re-imagining and changing how civil society operates along the civic spectrum.
The idea, which I named The Government We Need, has been sitting on the back burner since.
While I went so far as to create brand elements, social media accounts, project management and strategic documentation on this, I just haven't found the time or energy to execute in a way that would do it justice.
Normally, with ideas that I prototype and don't act on, I delete and move on, archiving them as just another experiment in learning and creative processing. For some reason, I think this one has the potential to impact the conversation around government change in a creative, interesting format.
Relevant links related to what I've done so far:
My intent in writing about this is to share it with the world in the hopes that others:
- might find this project interesting and want to work with me on it or
- take it over themselves
If you are interested in either, please feel free to contact me at