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Startup.civ: StreetCred

StreetCred helps law enforcement agencies locate fugitives, get them out of the community, and bring the officers home safely each day.

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By GovFresh · January 29, 2014

[caption id=”attachment_17048” align=”alignnone” width=”800”] Nick Selby, co-founder and CEO, StreetCred (Photo: Code for America)[/caption]

‘Startup.civ’ is a regular GovFresh feature highlighting the startups powering the civic movement.


StreetCred Software, Inc.

Give us the 140-character elevator pitch.

StreetCred helps law enforcement agencies locate fugitives, get them out of the community, and bring the officers home safely each day.

What problem does StreetCred solve for government?

StreetCred provides synthesis of the data that drives the criminal justice system, but which has until now remained in silos. This includes court records such as arrest warrants, police records like history of violent activity, and public and open source records to help law enforcement officers execute court orders and gain compliance. By bringing all this data together StreetCred gives officers unprecedented situational awareness, and removing the need for officers to spend hours at their desk manually compiling briefs on fugitives. It also provides the community with unprecedented transparency into how officers do their work, specifically providing information on how officers find and prioritize fugitives.

The result is tripled efficiency, sparing officers from tasks better done by research librarians and getting them back on the streets and making contact with criminals. StreetCred customers had reduced by 66% the number of days between the issuance of a warrant and the capture of a fugitive, and it offers agencies a measurable return on investment, by articulating in dollars and cents some of the most important and previously inarticulable metrics of success for law enforcement agencies and courts.

What’s the story behind starting StreetCred?

David Henderson is a police officer who was serving as a city warrant officer and as a member of an elite federal task force charged with locating and capturing dangerous fugitives. He had long envisioned using technology to remove inefficient manual processes from these tasks. Nick Selby is a technology industry veteran who was seeking ways to apply rapid technological advancement to the field of local law enforcement.

StreetCred was the result of their combined visions; Selby went to the police academy and became a police officer to better understand the workflows, political, cultural and technical challenges faced by law enforcement officers and agencies, and Henderson accelerated his study of technology to better understand the realm of the possible in applying technology to his specialty.

The result was a company with unparalleled domain and police workflow expertise, and technology that brings to law enforcement officers the power of advanced and sophisticated analysis of aggregated, normalized and prioritized data.

Selby and Henderson’s passion for service has resulted in a company policy to return, at no cost, normalized and aggregated data to its agency customers, allowing law enforcement for the first time the ability to truly leverage their own, previously siloed data without complicated licensing agreements or cost to taxpayers.

Both continue to serve as sworn officers at an agency in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

What are its key features?

StreetCred aggregates data that has never before been aggregated, removes proprietary formatting, code and storage considerations to create a clean, normalized and industry-standard formatted corpus of all an agency’s data relevant to certain areas including fugitive management. Essentially, StreetCred aggregates, cleans and normalizes, then analyzes and prioritizes data to allow court and law enforcement officers easier access to data that is easier to understand. It removes obstacles to efficiency, automates manual processes and provides easy visualization of law enforcement data challenges. Its dashboard provides stunning clarity into metrics that form the core of public service and law enforcement, letting administrators and supervisors understand and better manage their resources, and allowing the community to ask previously unanswerable questions about how the police prioritize caseloads and spend their time (and taxpayers’ money) each day.

What are the costs, pricing plans?

StreetCred is sold as an enterprise software product, with prices based on the number of patrol officers in an agency and no per-seat license fees. It works on a standard web browser, so there are no software fees or installation costs. It is provided as a secure managed service, and criminal data never leaves the CJIS environment.

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