Help crowdfund this open source city book

Jason Hibbetts is a great guy and a true leader in the open government community, and he is asking for your support in helping fund the first 500 copies of his upcoming book, “The Foundation for an Open Source City.”

By: GovFresh

Posted: February 26, 2013

Estimated read time: 1 minutes


Jason Hibbets is a great guy and a true leader in the open government community, and he is asking for your support in helping fund the first 500 copies of his upcoming book, “The Foundation for an Open Source City.”

I’ve read early drafts, and this is an important book for government and the general civic technology community.

From Jason:

In my book, I explore what it means to be an open source city using Raleigh, North Carolina as an example. I highlight the elements of the open source culture there and provide insight into Raleigh's government policies and economic development in order to create a guide for other cities who want to or are currently pursuing an open source city brand.

Whether it’s $5 or $500, please take the time to contribute and help Jason get this book published.

