By GovFresh · April 7, 2020
New America has launched the Pandemic Response Repository that will serve as a centralized location for open source projects aimed at helping governments respond to the coronavirus pandemic.
From New America:
The open source projects catalogued in the Pandemic Response Repository are powering more efficient and effective public sector responses to the coronavirus pandemic. Many governments are struggling to find the right solutions and to share technology and content they’ve developed with others in need. The solutions listed here are reusable, easily shared among agencies, municipalities and countries, and can be adapted to local needs. The repository will be updated daily based on research by our team and submissions from around the world.
Projects are categorized by topic, such as health, information, assistance, tracking, community and research.
"We have prioritized speed over perfection," says New America Fellow Mark Lerner, who is helping to coordinate the project, "We know these are resources people need now, and we will continue to iterate over the next several weeks. We would love your contributions and feedback."
How to contribute
Here's how to contribute to the Pandemic Response Repository:
- Suggest a new project
- Email general questions to
Learn more about the Pandemic Response Repository.