By GovFresh · October 5, 2016
[caption id=”attachment_21785” align=”alignnone” width=”1500”] Photo: White House[/caption]
Make sure you’re registered to vote.
I’ve been reviewing the voting and elections tech ecosystem and wanted to share a few that will help you verify that you’re actually registered and, if not, make it easy to do so. is a non-profit organization that provides voter registration resources and helps you register, as does, which is managed by the U.S. federal government.
VotePlz incorporates gamification to encourage people to compete on recruiting others to check their registration and register (click the last link in this post and help me win). VotePlz is managed by Circus Center “a non-profit organization dedicated to the public benefit through arts education, public leadership, and civic engagement.”
HelloVote gives voter registration instructions via a series of text messages and will register you instantly in states that have online voter registration. HelloVote is managed by the nonprofit Fight for the Future and ensures personal data privacy.
For developers who want to build voting and election applications, see the Google Civic Information API and the Voting Information Project. See also We Vote USA, a “non-partisan team of dedicated volunteers dedicated to building software that educates and encourages voters.”