By GovFresh · September 10, 2019
The U.S. Government Accountability Office released a report assessing the lackluster status of the Defense Department's open source pilot program, saying that until the agency effectively implements this, "the department will not be positioned to take advantage of significant cost savings and efficiencies."
The Office of Management and Budget issued its federal source code policy in August 2016 requiring federal agencies to improve the way they buy, build, and deliver software solutions through the use of open source code. Part of the policy includes implementing agency-specific open source software pilot programs. The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 mandated that DOD initiate its pilot by June 2018.
Key excerpts:
A program manager from the Defense Information Systems Agency reported that the agency had identified an OSS solution that provided more functionality at less cost than the commercial solution provided through a vendor. The program manager explained that when the agency implemented the new OSS solution, it realized $20 million in annual savings over the commercial solution that had been maintained by a vendor.
A program manager from the Defense Information Systems Agency reported that the selection of an OSS solution rather than a COTS solution contracted through a vendor had resulted in increased efficiency. The official explained that the use of the OSS solution allowed the agency to develop and maintain in-house skills that would not have been available had they opted to contract with a vendor providing a skilled workforce.
In interviews with GAO, DOD personnel expressed mixed views on open source software with respect to security, however, "an official in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics reported that, as long as OSS is properly vetted to ensure it is secure and free from malware, it offers an opportunity for the department to achieve cost savings and efficiencies."
According to GAO, DOD says it will "update its OSS memorandum by the end of the 2019 calendar year and issue it as policy."
Full report: DOD Needs to Fully Implement Program for Piloting Open Source Software