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FreshWrap: CfA Summit, procurement, and more

A wrap-up of this week's civic technology and open government news.

By GovFresh · October 18, 2013

A wrap-up of this week’s civic technology and open government news.

Must-watch video of the week:

Chicago launches first comprehensive, public data dictionary.

Oakland is looking for a chief information officer.

Liveblog of Code for America Summit …

… and videos.

Five ways to make government procurement better.

What are your ideas for improving government procurement?

Why U.S. government IT fails so hard, so often. How The First Internet President Produced The Government’s Biggest, Highest-Stakes Internet Failure

New book: Beyond Transparency

Louisville gets an open data policy.

Oakland does, too.

Changes in Texas open government law.

NASCIO report: The Enterprise Imperative: Leading Through Governance, Portfolio Management, and Collaboration

TechAmerica: Fed IT spending to plateau over next five years.

Global Integrity has a new website.

GitHub goes deeper into government.

Making a living with civic tech.
