By GovFresh · October 25, 2013
A wrap-up of this week’s civic technology and open government news.
Ontario gets an open data portal:
CGI’s congressional testimony is now on Rap Genius for public comment.
We the People petitioners want access to source code.
D.C. has a new open government initiative.
New FCC CIO launches blog, joins Twitter.
.gov designer: Danny Chapman
Why the Navy needs to open source its future. now lets politicians respond to petitions.
FAQs on open source and the Department of Defense.
Quantcast traffic on ‘hidden by the owner.’
Danny Chapman: Where’s the beta?
U.K. official urges U.S. government to Adopt A Digital Core.
Chicago’s Tom Schenk on open data in Chicago.
Louisville ‘open by default.’
SeeClickFix CEO Ben Berkowitz TED Talk on government for the 21st century.
Fed open open data policy requirements get an extension.
NIST seeks comments on preliminary cybersecurity framework.
Chicago CTO John Tolva steps down.
UK’s new guidance for government devices.
What Code for America looks like in 2014.
Did we miss something? Add your links in the comments …