Free webinar: 'Quickly Shifting to Distributed Teams in Government'

To support government teams quickly shifting to distributed work during the COVID-19 pandemic, CivicActions will host a free webinar — repeated daily the week of March 16 — to share best practices and answer questions from the government community at large. Topics to be covered include operations, communications, security and productivity in a distributed work environment.

By: GovFresh

Posted: March 12, 2020

Estimated read time: 1 minutes


To support government teams quickly shifting to distributed work during the COVID-19 pandemic, CivicActions will host a free webinar -- repeated daily the week of March 16 -- to share best practices and answer questions from the government community at large. Topics to be covered include operations, communications, security and productivity in a distributed work environment.

CivicActions has also created DistributedGov ( to serve as a centralized resource for community and information related to government distributed work.

The webinar, “Quickly Shifting to Distributed Teams in Government,” will repeat each day, Monday to Friday, March 16-20 at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time, and is free to all government employees.

John O’Duinn, author of "Distributed Teams: The Art and Practice of Working Together While Physically Apart," will present. John is a technologist and entrepreneur who has served in the U.S. Digital Service in the Obama White House. He co-created the State of Vermont policy encouraging remote work to promote economic growth, and is now supporting the development of similar policies for multiple jurisdictions worldwide.


