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DOJ seeks CIO

The U.S. Department of Justice is looking for a chief information officer.

By GovFresh · July 30, 2014

[caption id=”attachment_17930” align=”alignnone” width=”1433”] U.S. Department of Justice (Photo: Sebmol)[/caption]

The U.S. Department of Justice is looking for a chief information officer.

From the posting:

The CIO provides executive leadership and has oversight responsibility for the management, acquisition, and integration of OJP's information resources, including mission and data systems, data center management, telecommunications, office networks, computer security (including policy, standards, and operations), vulnerability management, configuration management, data management, information sharing, and end-user computing. He/she will provide overall IT portfolio management, recommend agency-wide IT program improvements, and oversee the formulation and execution of the agency's IT budget.

The job pays from $120,749 to $181,500.

Application deadline is August 18. Apply here.
