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Doing/done: The beauty of GOV.UK's 'What we're working on' updates


By GovFresh · June 3, 2015

[caption id=”attachment_19583” align=”alignnone” width=”1600”] Photo: Roo Reynolds[/caption]

GOV.UK’s occasional “What we’re working on” post is an excellent example of how government can share regular updates on recent accomplishments and what will be worked on next.

While GOV.UK doesn’t do it consistently, the simplicity (bullet points) of ‘What we’re working on’ gives clarity into its work, better insight into future developments and provides a sense of momentum (internally and externally) that government isn’t just a stale bureaucracy. Other ideas for inclusion on correspondence like this could be output data, such as number of forms processed, to show the breadth of impact.

I’d love to see other examples like this. If you have any, please feel free to send them to me at
