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DISA kicks off overhaul of federal background checks

The Defense Information Systems Agency has released a series of videos and request for information for the National Background Investigation System, created in the wake of security incidents that lead to data breaches of millions of federal government employees and contractors.

By GovFresh · September 13, 2016

[caption id=”attachment_21651” align=”alignnone” width=”1024”] Photo: U.S. Navy[/caption]

The Defense Information Systems Agency has released a series of videos and request for information for the National Background Investigation System, created in the wake of security incidents that lead to data breaches of millions of federal government employees and contractors.

According to the RFI, NBIS is “is a new entity that changes how the Federal Government performs background investigations for military, civilian, and government contractors.” DISA will “design, develop, secure, and operate” NBIS which supports the National Background Investigation Bureau, formerly the Federal Investigative Services, managed by the Office of Personnel Management.

The overview and video references read straight out of agile and open source playbooks, so it will be interesting to see how far this goes on those fronts:

NBIS PMO must establish an enterprise IT enclave that enables business process reengineering, including modular system development to accommodate changes in data requirements, advanced security protections to safeguard data, enables broad shared services to maximize investments, and not only meets the needs of the end users, but also connects those users to the process.

Intro video:
