[caption id=”attachment_19031” align=”alignnone” width=”1110”] Source: buenosaires.gob.ar[/caption]
As part of a broad effort to simplify access to government services, Buenos Aires now offers citizens and visitors a digital identity system that provides for single sign-on and personal dashboards.
The service, “Mi Buenos Aires,” gives citizens centralized access to city services such as “appointments for health services, job opportunities and social benefits” via one username and password.
Buenos Aires is using OpenID Connect, which provides an out-of-the-box solution that includes metrics, addresses security and data privacy concerns and can sync into other services at the national level.
Eventually, the city wants to allow third-party access to leverage its public application programming interface and easily verify users via the ID system. According to its roadmap, an alpha version will be available in September 2015.
“Mi BA” is much like the single sign-on efforts in Estonia and the UK, and the seemingly stalled aspirations of Project MyUSA.
(HT Daniel Abadie)