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5 ways CIOs and IT vendors can work better together

The National Association of State Chief Information Officers has released a great brief on how CIOs can work better together.

By GovFresh · March 5, 2015

The National Association of State Chief Information Officers has released a great brief on how CIOs can work better together.

“Anecdotally we know that some CIOs have expressed concern with technology companies’ approach to business development and relationship practices with the states,” says the guide. “IT partners should approach meetings with the mind-set of solving a problem for a state, not just explaining the benefits of a product.”

The guide, “Building Successful Relationships: State CIO Advice for IT Partners,” addresses five key points, including:

  1. Be prepared
  2. Anticipate and understand the state’s problems
  3. Know the best methods for securing and having meetings
  4. Develop and cultivate trust
  5. Know how to use lobbyists/government relations professionals

According to NASCIO, from 2010 to 2014, “outsourcing of some IT applications and services has grown from 42 percent to 81 percent.”

Download the full report (.pdf)
