By GovFresh · January 21, 2014
Congratulations to the 2013 GovFresh Awards winners and thank you to everyone who participated in the process, including the incredible judges, as well as CivicActions and NuCivic who support my work here at GovFresh.
- City of the Year: Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Small City of the Year: City of Piqua (Ohio)
- Mayor of the Year (tie): Pete Buttigieg (South Bend, Ind.), Mike Bloomberg (NYC)
- Public Servant of the Year: Mike Bracken, Executive Director of Digital, Cabinet Office (UK)
- Civic Organization of the Year: D.A.T.A. (Uruguay)
- Civic Entrepreneur of the Year: Chelsea Mauldin, Executive Director, Public Policy Lab
- Civic Startup of the Year: SmartProcure
- Civic Design of the Year:
- Civic App of the Year (tie): CityVoice, RecordTrac
- Civic Event of the Year: National Day of Civic Hacking